“In a world where chaos often reigns, curate great juju within and around you.” -LD


I choose growth.

Our family is with us from our beginning and those interactions shape how we show up and react in this world. Surely, none of us make it out unscathed from these experiences, but too much time is spent trying to “heal” from our family of origin. Rather, we should “grow” in ways that were discouraged or not tolerated. Sometimes we harbor resentment for our family’s unintentional behaviors and even misinterpret memories. We often shoulder the burden of carrying inaccurate stories for far too long.

Do not see your family as “breaking” you; you created an identity under the framework of your family. If your family of origin happens to be disordered, as most of ours are, your ability to create a strong sense of “self” just may not be adequate enough to navigate life’s challenges. There is nothing to heal from here. Instead there is a necessity to adopt an accurate perspective in order to cultivate healthy empathy for all involved; including you.

Change your story. Watch yourself grow.

Welcome home!

Research-backed Biofield Energy Techniques I use personally and professionally:

Guided Imagery
Bengston Energy Healing Method®